A mobile, augmented-reality game to learn more about Ann Arbor.

As an follow-up to EECS Simulator, Jonah Ableman and I created A2-GO as a way to impart our Ann-Arbor knowledge in a fun and interactive way.

This project utilized the Unity game engine, the AR Foundation Framework, and the Mapbox API in order to create a full-fledged, Pokemon-GO inspired iOS application.

Working through this project gave me a deeper understanding of the Unity ecosystem, working with external APIs, and designing for mobile interfaces.

Putting some greenery into a gray Ann Arbor.
Taking a nice stroll on Packard!

As the player, your goal in A2-Go is to purchase and plant various trees across the city, which in turn provide you with passive income to invest in more expensive plants. Along the way, however, you must defend your precious trees from squirrels who intend on ruining your hard work!

Appeasing a very angry squirrel.

Additionally, excess funds can be used to purchase cosmetic skins to enhance the look of your avatar:

Getting a cosmetic makeover!

To see some more complete gameplay please feel free to check out the video below!