
An augmented-reality application that teaches sound-design to middle-schoolers.

As a musician, I’ve learned to love the art of sound-design. It’s applications span most of the media we consume, but the barriers to entry can be incredibly costly. For example, an entry-level Korg synthesizer can cost upwards of $300. Additionally, learning how to sort through an array of buttons and knobs to create a sound is unintuitive and possibly even discouraging!

With the problem in mind, I worked alongside a team to create C-Note, a simple, cheap, and intuitive sound-design environment that could be easily understood by middle-school students.

An array of audio effect puzzle pieces.

Essentially, users are provided with an array of puzzle-pieces that work to create or modify sound in a specific way. Using an iOS device, a chain of puzzle pieces can be interpreted and converted into an audio signal in real-time. These audio signals can then be played back through C-Note’s “songbook” feature.

Audio-effects are interpreted from left to right.

Working through this project gave me a much deeper understanding of digital signal processing (DSP), the MIDI system, product-design, and user playtesting.

See the video below to learn more about our product.